JULY 10th - 23rd, 2015

This show presents the new work of the studios of both Hocking and Evers. Meditative and ritualized walks in the stimulating environment of Provincetown equally guide the two artists in creating works that harmonize with their surroundings, be it the streets or the sea.

Poetics, political consciousness, and personal narratives characterize Hocking’s work, which has significance beyond the seemingly simple locations. In this show, he focuses on how human ecology and actions affect the environment, with the haste in his meaningful paintings reflective of the imminence of climate change.

Evers’ abstract forms balance connectedness and individuality with attentiveness to the complexity of the natural world. Her work presents a personal imagery of the relationships of color and how images exist in space. Evers draws particular inspiration from the vastness of the ocean, its endless horizons, and the organisms revealed on the beach as the tide departs.

Opening Reception: Friday, July 10th, 6-9pm